Personalised Video


Welcome to the world of personalised video!

Personalised videos are quickly changing the world of user experience and customer engagement - let's start with an example of some of the possibilities of personalised video:


This is a working example, made using the Idomoo platform - if you're interested in testing out this video with your own details (with results in 5 seconds flat!), contact Andy Sones and we'll send you your own personal link!

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In an era where personalisation is the key to customer engagement, personalised videos have emerged as a game-changer in both B2B and B2C landscapes.

One of the most successful examples of this is Spotify Wrapped, an annual recap that showcases a user's most-streamed songs, artists, and genres.

By leveraging user data to create a unique and engaging experience, Spotify Wrapped not only strengthens user loyalty but also drives extensive social sharing and brand visibility.

Customise Your User Journey

Customising the user journey through personalised videos involves more than just addressing the viewer by name. Advanced personalisation techniques enable the creation of bespoke scenes and narratives based on data gathered from a questionnaire, in turn reducing sales team involvement and increasing the effectiveness of the demos and their conversions.

Imagine a travel company sending a personalised video itinerary based on the user's previous bookings and preferences, or a SaaS company demonstrating how their product can solve specific challenges faced by a potential client. This level of customisation not only captivates the audience but also significantly boosts conversion rates.


Account Based Marketing (ABM)

One of the most useful advantages of personalised video in Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is its ability to deliver highly targeted content. 

Personalised videos can present tailored solutions and success stories that align with the particular needs and pain points of each account, thereby increasing the likelihood of engagement and sales.

A Direct Line to Your Target Audience

Personalised video content allows businesses to directly communicate with individuals and specific demographics within their target audience. Working with gathered user behaviour and preferences, companies can craft messages that resonate deeply with each viewer, fostering a stronger connection and enhancing customer satisfaction.

For instance, a B2B company might use personalised videos to address the unique needs of different sectors, while a B2C brand could tailor product recommendations based on individual consumer data.


Scalability and Batch Productions

Personalised videos offer scalability and batch production capabilities, making it feasible for businesses to create and distribute customised content at any scale. Advanced video production platforms like Idomoo allow companies to automate the creation of personalised videos for thousands of customers simultaneously, maintaining a high level of personalisation without sacrificing efficiency.

This scalability ensures that businesses can meet the demands of large audiences while still delivering a personalised experience.



Working with Idomoo

In order to bring your personalised video journey to life, we work closely with the Idomoo platform in order to create your bespoke user journey - all you need to do is provide us with the data, and we can take it from there! 

Check out the case studies below for inspiration on how other brands have utilised Idomoo's platform to better reach their customers.









Whether you're ready to start a project, or at the beginning of your animation journey, we're always here for a chat!



Resources For Your Team & Clients 

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