Know AML


Know AML

In collaboration with Scientific Education Support (SES), we produced a comprehensive 17-part animation series for Know AML, designed to provide essential information and support for individuals affected by Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
Starting with an "Introduction to AML," the series continues with in-depth animations on topics like "Signs and Symptoms," "Diagnosis," "Types of AML," "Treatment Options," "Clinical Trials," "Remission," and many more aspects of AML. Each video serves as a valuable resource that demystifies complex topics, supporting patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers throughout every stage of the AML journey. To maximize accessibility, we produced the animations in English and translated them into French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Russian.
We also delivered shorter, repurposed segments for social media, ensuring the content is engaging and easily shareable across platforms. Our collaboration with Know AML and SES has created a robust, multilingual educational tool, empowering individuals with reliable information at every step of their journey with AML.

















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